AngularJS (18) ng-include 匯入外部HTML
本篇範例的( Plunker Demo ) ng-include用來匯入外部HTML。 網頁隨著開發,會越來越冗長,所以將網頁模組化能增加維護的效率。 方式一, 直接輸入網址字串 'header.html' <body ng-app="app1"> <div ng-include src="'header.html'"></div> </body> 要注意需要 ' ' 方式二, 也可以先在controller定義網址的字串變數。 .controller('MyController', function($scope){ $scope.headerUrl = 'header.html'; }); 然後在MyController的範圍內呼叫就可以了。 <div ng-include src="headerUrl"></div> 也可以省略src <div ng-include="headerUrl"></div> 要注意的是, ng-include官方文件 說明ng-include只能插入同網域的網頁 By default, the template URL is restricted to the same domain and protocol as the application document. For example, ngInclude won't work for cross-domain requests on all browsers and for file:// access on some browsers.